Mar 25, 2019
It’s a classic managerial mistake: You know an employee isn't working out, and yet you give them more time. You hope—foolishly, of course!—for some magical turnaround. And in the meantime, your company suffers from that employee's bad work. This is what happened to James Heller of the startup Wrapify, but at a...
Mar 18, 2019
You know Smarties. It’s a classic American candy—and so classic, in fact, that its leadership became afraid to make any branding changes. As a result, decades passed and the brand looked increasingly stale. Then a new generation of leaders took over the company and had to wrestle with a big question: What’s...
Mar 11, 2019
Mike Casey is a young jazz musician, and his jazz teachers were blunt with him: Making a living in this business is hard. So Mike decided to approach his jazz career the way an entrepreneur would—by embracing tools like a CRM, testing out ways to optimize streaming music platforms, and seeking out the kind...
Mar 4, 2019
When things are going wrong, how do you know whether or not to keep going? That's the question that faced Kabir Shahani of Amperity, a company that, in its early days, missed a huge deadline and seemed unable to develop the technology it needed to thrive. Important, difficult questions had to be answered. Investors...