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Problem Solvers

May 27, 2019

Harry Overly got an unexpected call one day from Sun-Maid, the raisin company with the famous red box featuring a grapescarrying girl. It needed a new CEO—was he interested? “What is the appetite for risk?” he asked in response. Because Overly, a food industry veteran, knew the job wouldn’t be easy. Sun-Maid...

May 20, 2019

Michelle Pfeiffer wanted the fragrance industry to change its ways. The fragrance industry said no. That's when she discovered what it really means to be an entrepreneur: If you want something done, you do it yourself. In this episode, Pfeiffer and host Jason Feifer (no relation!) have a conversation about her...

May 13, 2019

Nobody can see the pathway ahead of them. We’re all blind. But the people who succeed are the ones willing to walk in the dark anyway. On this episode, host Jason Feifer shares his six-step plan for success (step one: start moving!), and then talks with Gregg Clunis, host of the podcast Tiny Steps, Big Leaps, about...

May 6, 2019

How does a company expand successfully? Sometimes it seems like pure luck—but it's not. In this episode, we look at how fitness franchise Orangetheory stumbled through its first expansion, hit pause, fixed everything, and then went on to open more than...